Kata Lists

Kata Lists


seiza-no-bu 正座の部 - sitting part

1. Ipponme Mae 前 - front 

2. Nihonme Ushiro 後 ろ - back 

3. Sambonme Ukenagashi 受 け 流 し - receive or deflect 

tatehiza-no-bu ⽴膝の部 - kneeing part

4. Yohonme Tsukaate 柄 当 て - push with the handle 

tachi-waza-no-bu ⽴業の部  - standing part

5. Gohonme Kesagiri 袈裟 切 り - cut along the kesa 

6. Ropponme Morotezuki 諸手突き -directional cut 

7. Nanahonme Sampōgiri 三方切り – cut in 3 directions

8. Hachihonme Ganmenate 顔面当て - push in the face 

9. Kyuhonme Soetezuki 添 え 手 突 き - stitch with applied hand 

10. Jūpponme Shihōgiri 四方 切 り - four-directional cut 

11. Jūipponme Sōgiri 総 切 り - pursuing cutting (several cuts)

12. Jūnihon Nukiuchi 抜き打ち- cut suddenly pulling


Depending on the school / teacher, the order / names may vary. 

The list is available for download in the media library (in german).

Muso Shinden Ryu

Omori Ryu (School of Omori) Shode初 伝 

1. Shohattō 初 発 刀 - Beginning Sword 
2. Satō 左 刀 - Left Sword 
3. Utō 右 刀 - Right Sword 
4. Ataritō 当 刀 - Striking Sword 
5. Inyō Shintai 陰陽 進退 - Yin and Yang, back and forth 
6. Ryōtō 流 刀 - flowing sword 
7. Juntō 順 刀 - sword sequence * 
8. Gyakutō 逆 刀 - opposite sword 
9. Seichutō 勢 中 刀 - strong sword in the middle 
10. Korantō 虎 乱 刀 - great strength of the tiger 
11. Gyakute Inyō Shintai 逆 手 陰陽 進退 - Yin and Yang, changed technique ** 
12. Battō 抜 刀 - pulling and striking ** 

* Use the sword according to the will of the Seppuku executor. 
** In some schools the last two kata (11 and 12) have been interchanged. 

Hasegawa Eishin Ryu (School of Hasegawa Eishin) Chūden 中 伝 

1. Yokogumo 横 雲 - side cloud 
2. Toraissoku 虎 一 足 - tiger paw 
3. Inazuma 稲 妻 - lightning 
4. Ukigumo 浮雲 - floating cloud 
5. Yamaoroshi 山 颪 - mountain wind 
6. Iwanami 岩 浪 - Wave on the rock 
7. Urokogaeshi 鱗 返 - upturned fish scale 
8. Namigaeshi 浪 返 - turning wave 
9. Takiotoshi 滝 滝 - waterfall
10. Nukiuchi 抜 抜 - pulling and hitting 

Okuden (deepest [historical] tradition) Okuden 奥 伝 

Suwari-waza (座業) - Sitzkatas

1. Kasumi 霞 - temple (literally haze) 
2. Sunegakoi 脛 囲 - shin guard 
3. Shihogiri 四方 切 - cut in four directions 
4. Tozume 戸 詰 - prepared at the door for opponents 
5. Towaki 戸 脇 - Next to the door 
6. Tanashita 棚 下 - Under the house floor 
7. Ryozume 両 詰 - Confined at the side 
8. Torabashiiri 虎 走 - Tiger stalk 

Tachi-waza (立業) - Standing katas 

1. Yukitzure 行 連 - Accompanied by two people 
2. Tsuredachi 連 達 - Let's go together 
3. S ōmakuri 惣 捲 - All together 
4. Sōdome 総 留 - Stop everything 
5. Shinobu 信 夫 - Quietly 
6. Yukichigai 行 違 - Going missing 
7. Sodesurigaeshi 袖 摺返 - Turning over sleeves 
8. Moniri 門 入 - Going into the entrance 
9 Kabezoi 壁 添 - along the wall 
10. Ukenagashi 受 流 - ward off enemy 
11. Itomagoi 暇 乞 - say goodbye 

Depending on the school / teacher, the order / names may vary. 
The list is available for download in the media library (in german).

 Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu

Seiza no Bu (Shoden) 正座之部 

1. Mae 前
2. Migi 右

3. Hidari 左

4. Ushiro 後

5. Yaegaki 八重垣 
6. Ukenagashi 受流 
7. Kaishaku 介錯 
8. Tsukekomi 附込 
9. Tsukikage 月影 
10. Oikaze 追風 
11. Nukiuchi 抜打 

Tachihiza no Bu (Chuden) 立膝之部 

1. Yokogumo 横雲
2. Tora no issoku ⻁一足 
3. Inazuma 稲妻

4. Ukigumo 浮雲

5. Oroshi 颪

6. Iwanami 岩波

7. Urokogaeshi 鱗返

8. Namigaeshi 波返

9. Takiotoshi 瀧落

10. Makkō 真向 

Okuiai Iwaza no Bu (Okuden) 奥居合居業之部 

1. Kasumi 霞

2. Sunegakoi 脛囲 
3. Tozume 戸詰

4. Towaki 戸脇

5. Shihōgiri 四方切 
6. Tanashita 棚下 
7. Ryōzume 両詰 
8. Torabashiri ⻁走 

Okuiai Tachiwaza no Bu (Okuden) 奥居合立業之部 

1. Yukizure 行連

2. Tsuredachi 連達

3. Sō Makuri 惣捲

4. Sō Dome 惣留

5. Shinobu 信夫
6. Yukichigai 行違

7. Sode Surigaeshi 袖摺返

8. Mon’iri 門入

9. Kabezoe 壁添

10. Ukenagashi 受流

11. Itomagoi Sono Ichi 暇乞其の一 
12. Itomagoi Sono Ni 暇乞其の二 
13. Itomagoi Sono San 暇乞其の三 

Bangai no Bu (Okuden) 番外之部 

1. Hayanami 速波 
2. Raiden 雷電

3. Jinrai 迅雷 

Partner Excercises – Kumitachi 組太刀 

Tachi Uchi no Kurai (太刀打之位) (Koryū) – standing 
1. Deai 出合

2. Tsukekomi 附込

3. Ukenagashi 請流

4. Ukekomi 請込

5. Tsukikage 月影

6. Suigetsutō 水月刀

7. Zetsumyōken 絶妙剣 
8. Dokumyōken 独妙剣 
9. Shinmyōken 心明剣 
10. Uchikomi 打込 

Tachi Uchi no Kurai (太刀打之位) – sitting 
1. Deai 出合

2. Kobushitori 拳取

3. Zetsumyōken 絶妙剣 
4. Dokumyōken 独妙剣 
5. Tsubadome 鍔留

6. Ukenagashi 請流

7. Mappō 真方 

Tsume Ai no Kurai (詰合之位) – standing 
1. Hassō 八相

2. Kobushitori 拳取

3. Namigaeshi 波返

4. Yaegaki 八重垣

5. Urokogaeshi 鱗返

6. Kurdi Yurumi 位弛

7. Tsubame Gaeshi 燕返 
8. Ganseki Otoshi 眼関落 
9. Suigetsutō 水月刀

10. Kasumi Ken 霞剣 

Depending on the school / teacher, the order / names may vary. 
The list is available for download in the media library (in german).
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